Throughout my senior year, I dreaded the college application process. My college readiness was of the utmost importance to me. Surely enough, The Uptown Educational Foundation assisted me in my struggles. For example, SAT was one of my worst fears. My PSAT and SAT scores were below what I expected, but after receiving SAT prep through the The Foundation, not only did I increase my score to where I felt it should have been, but I became more assured in tackling other aspects of what was expected of me. 

Furthermore, something that I really wanted to excel on was my college essay. One of the most challenging things to do when writing is collecting all thoughts and portrayals of the story onto paper. After continuously going back and rewriting my personal statement a plethora of times through the solid connection of The Foundation, I was able to finally submit my work to colleges with such a proud smile and a gleaming aura of confidence. I knew that that essay had such value to me and it portrayed all of my thoughts the way I wanted the college admission offices to read it. 

Besides the application process, the scholarships that were awarded to me became pivotal in assisting me with some of my financial struggles. As I entered college, I used those funds for many essential purposes. The biggest benefit for me was the travel expense. Traveling to and from college without a car was not easy for me. I used some of the scholarship funds to actually help me get to my future which would be St. Lawrence University located in Canton, New York. Needles to say, The Foundation was such an essential part of getting prepared for college.