Hello! My name is Kebra, and I was part of the Frederick Douglass Academy graduating class of 2019! I am currently a sophomore at the University at Albany, with a major in Business Administration, and a double minor in French and Economics. My experience here at the University at Albany has been amazing! I have found myself fully merging with the academic and social cultures. I made the Dean’s list both semesters of my first year. I also attained the position of an Orientation Leader, a prestigious and highly sought after position here on campus. It opened up a huge social network of people for me. 

I say all this not to boast, but to emphasize how much The Uptown Educational Foundation has contributed to my accomplishments here at school. Without my scholarship, I would not have been able to afford to pay my fees for the first year, which would’ve led me to defer from school for at least a semester. Attaining this scholarship allowed me to come on campus and pursue my education. It enabled me to do things both academically and socially that were at the time, my wildest dreams. It is because of the difference this scholarship personally made to my education that I would like to encourage you to contribute to the The Uptown Educational Foundation. Undoubtedly, the scholarships handed out to students like myself, through the foundation, truly make a difference!