Supporting education and teachers.
The Uptown Educational Foundation Inc. was started to provide services and material support to students who attend underfunded schools in economically disenfranchised neighborhoods. We are growing , and presently offer several programs to fulfill our mission.
SAT Prep
UEF has partnered in the past with Kaplan Test Prep to offer SAT review classes for students at the Frederick Douglass Academy in Harlem, During the Spring of 2020 25 students took a full Kaplan course in preparation for the May SAT Exam.
Foundation Freshman
Graduating Seniors from various partner schools will receive $1000.00 grants for books, clothing and dorm necessities as they begin their Freshmen Year in college. Since 2019, Fifteen students were awarded scholarships.
Feeding Our Students
Whether it is an after school SAT Prep session, or Saturday tutorials, providing nutritious snacks and water can re-energize our students.
Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.
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Here is some description text. Nunc cursus erat ut nisi facilisis, vel fringilla neque pellentesque. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames.
Etiam et turpis mattis, efficitur mi ut, ultrices diam. Donec consectetur, odio eget porta varius, orci mauris viverra ante, eget egestas turpis sapien vel orci. Donec eu ornare augue, ut efficitur velit. Vestibulum et magna mattis, sollicitudin ligula ac, facilisis dui. Ut blandit lectus neque, sit amet.